
DREAM Component Reports Accessible on LiPAD Website

Completing the mandated coverage of 18 major rivers basins for flood mapping, the Nationwide Disaster Risk and Exposure Assessment for Mitigation (DREAM) Program presents its 65 comprehensive reports detailing the work processes, activities, and outputs of the DREAM LiDAR (light detection and ranging technology) Components: Data acquisition, Processing, Validation, and Flood Modeling and Flood Hazard Mapping.

Data Acquisition- Data Processing Components Reports: 19

Data Validation Component Reports:  26

Flood Modeling Component Reports: 20

Total: 65


The reports are now readily available on the LiDAR Portal for Archiving and Distribution website ( Using the cutting-edge technology called LiDAR, the DREAM Program was able to produce up-to-date, detailed, high resolution datasets to come up with Digital Surface Models (DSMs), Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) for flood models and hazard maps. Aside from early warning systems and flood analysis, it is realized that these products have other applications in various fields, among them, infrastructure planning, design and maintenance.

The published reports of the outputs aim to provide researchers,  public and private institutions, and other stakeholders an accessible reference for their particular field of work. The reports summarize and highlight the data derived from the research project, which is seen to contribute in acquiring and further enhancing the knowledge on LiDAR-derived products and to also promote other studies and applications.

Taking off from the initial efforts of the DREAM Program, the Nationwide Hazard Mapping of the Philippines (PHIL-LiDAR 1) Program expands to 257 river basins, covering 2/3 of the country’s rivers. The DREAM Program, which formally ended on May 19, 2016, was supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Grants-in-Aid Program and monitored by the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development. It was made possible through the expertise of engineers and scientists from around the country under the leadership of the University of the Philippines Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry (UP TCAGP).

LiPAD serves as the primary data access and distribution center of the Phil-LiDAR 1 and Phil-LiDAR 2 Programs, a Department of Science and Technology initiative that engages the University of the Philippines and fifteen (15) Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) throughout the country, with the aim to produce detailed flood hazard and resource maps using LiDAR technology.